Narrative coaching: A community psychological perspective

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    The intention with this chapter is to present a new understanding of coaching defined as the coach's participation in and facilitation of the developmental and learning process of coachees, (i.e., individuals or groups being coached). New social trends and societal changes are put forward as the central reason for introducing a new perspective on coaching - an approach significantly different from traditional sports coaching. A theoretical framework of this coaching approach is presented by balancing between an individual, experiential, embodied perspective on the one hand and a social, cultural, community-oriented perspective on the other. Meaning-making is highlighted as the central concept in this approach and as the pivotal point for the coaching dialogue. Concrete suggestions of how to focus on experiential and social dimensions are given as ideas for the concrete coaching intervention. A case is presented to give a concrete example of this narrative, community psychological oriented intervention, a process which helps people to develop a sense of personal or cultural identity and an understanding of their doing as being in correspondence with their values and intentions. The overarching focus of narrative coaching as presented in this chapter is on shaping modified, uplifting and/or alternative stories about experiences and activities athletes or exercisers are able to share in their concrete community of practice. These joint actions might be a way to build up local cultures in different sport and exercise settings.
    TitelThe Cultural Turn in Sport Psychology
    RedaktørerTatiana V. Ryba, Robert J. Schinke, Gershon Tenenbaum
    Antal sider27
    UdgivelsesstedMorgantown, WV
    ForlagFitness Information Technology
    ISBN (Trykt)978-1-935412-03-8
    StatusUdgivet - 2010

    Bibliografisk note

    CURIS 2010 5200 020
