Note: the PLEEC Project – planning for energy efficient cities

Mikael Kullman, Javier Campillo, Erik Dahlquist, Christian Fertner, Rudolf Giffinger, Juliane Große, Niels Boje Groth, Gudrun Haindlmaier, Annika Kunnasvirta, Florian Strohmayer, Julia Haselberger

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11 Citationer (Scopus)
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Globally, more than 50% of all people are living in cities today. Enhancing sustainability and efficiency of urban energy systems is thus of high priority for global sustainable development. The European research project PLEEC (Planning for Energy Efficient Cities) focuses on technological, innovative, behavioural and structural capacities of European medium-sized cities in their transition towards Energy Smart Cities. The variation of strengths and weaknesses of cities’ capabilities as well as practices and tools for enhancing energy efficient performance of urban energy systems were at the centre of the project. This short note summarises its main findings.
TidsskriftJournal of Settlements and Spatial Planning
Sider (fra-til)89-92
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 2016


  • Byplanlægning
