Notification of suspected and unexpected serious adverse reactions according to the Clinical Trials Directive - A descriptive analysis of the legislation and the requirements in a European context

Ellen Frøsig Moseholm Larsen, Jesper Grarup, Daniela Christine Gey, Majken Karoline Jensen, Ole Kirk

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review


    The European Clinical Trials Directive (CTD) came into force on May 1st 2004. The CTD provides the legal basis for monitoring the safety of clinical trials and covers the requirements for notification of SUSAR. Implementation of the CTD into national legislation in each Member State has resulted in various interpretations of CTD requirements. The objective of this paper is to investigate how the European Member States administer the safety reporting requirements of the CTD and to clarify the requirements for SUSAR notification in the different Member States. Data was collected through publicly available sources and questionnaires sent to the Competent Authorities and Ethics Committees in 30 European countries. The results document that Competent Authorities and Ethics Committees in the different Member States administer the legislation very differently. This has resulted in different requirements for notification of SUSARs in the Member States, as well as different requirements between the Competent Authorities and Ethics Committees in the same Member State. These requirements have not previously been described and the present overview of the legislation and the requirements of SUSAR reporting is of immediate practical use to especially non-commercial sponsors when conducting clinical trials in Europe.

    TidsskriftClinical Research and Regulatory Affairs
    Udgave nummer4
    Sider (fra-til)108-120
    Antal sider13
    StatusUdgivet - dec. 2010


    • Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet
    • Clinical Trials Directive
    • SUSAR
