On the integrated cognitive theory for information retrieval: Drifting outside the cave of the laboratory framework

Peter Ingwersen, Kalervo Järvelin

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The paper demonstrates how the Laboratory Research Framework fits into the holistic Cognitive Framework for IR. It first discusses the Laboratory Framework with emphasis on its underlying assumptions and known limitations. This is followed by a view of interaction and relevance phenomena associated with IR evaluation and central to the understanding of IR. The ensuing section outlines how interactive IR is viewed from a Cognitive Framework, and ‘light' interactive IR experiments are suggested performed by drawing on the latter framework's contextual possibilities. These include independent variables drawn from a collection, matching principles in a retrieval system, and the searcher's situation and task context. The paper ends with concluding points of summarization of issues encountered.

TidsskriftCuadernos de Relaciones Laborales
Sider (fra-til)381-402
Antal sider22
StatusUdgivet - 2008

Bibliografisk note

Reprint of 'On the holistic cognitive theory for information retrieval', published in Dominic, S & Kiss, F (eds.) Studies in Theory of Information Retrieval, Budapest: Foundation for Information Society, 2007: 135-147.


  • Kognitiv IR teori
  • Laboratoriemodel for IR
  • Interaktiv informationssøgning
  • Eksperimentel design
