Pericarp structure of the Caryopteris group (Lamiaceae subfam. Ajugoideae)

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    Pericarp and seed structure was investigated in 13 out of the 16 species of the old Caryopteris and in a few species of  the related Rubiteucris, Amethystea, Trichostema and Ajuga. The pericarp structure was found to be very variable, and the variation largely matches the most recent classification where Caryopteris is divided between the following six genera: Caryopteris s.str, Discretitheca, Pseudocaryopteris, Rubiteucris, Schnabelia and Tripora. All the six genera but Rubiteucris and Schnabelia can be distinguished from each other by differences in pericarp structure, and Caryopteris s.str. is found to have a particularly divergent structure. Similarities in pericarp structure also suggest that Schnabelia, Rubiteucris and Tripora may be closely related.
    TidsskriftNordic Journal of Botany
    Sider (fra-til)257-265
    Antal sider9
    StatusUdgivet - 2009
