Postprandial lipaemia 10 and 34 hours after playing football: Does playing frequency affect the response?

Darren J Paul, George P Nassis, Anissa C Kerouani, Jens Bangsbo

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Elevated postprandial triglyceride (TG) is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The time window for the last bout beneficial effect on postprandial lipaemia after football play is unknown. The aim of the present study was to examine whether playing affects postprandial TG during 1.5 day of reduced activity. Eighteen males were randomly allocated to perform either 1 (1FOOT; n = 9; age = 33.0 ± 5.0 yrs; body mass index = 24.2 ± 3.6 kg/m2) or 3 (3FOOT) consecutive days of 60-min 5 vs 5 football (n = 9; age = 32.8 ± 5.2 yrs; body mass index = 26.2 ± 4.1 kg/m2) matches across a 5-day study period. They arrived to the laboratory 10 hrs and 34 hrs after the final football session and blood samples were collected at fasted (0 min) and 45, 90, 240 and 360 min post a high fat load meal. There were non significant increase for postprandial TG AUC (9.1%; p = 0.17; 95%CI = -0.43 to 2.0; ES = -0.23) and iAUC (14.2%; p = 0.43; 95%CI = -0.92 to 1.9; ES = -0.24) between 10 and 34 hrs after the 1FOOT. For the 3FOOT, there was a non significant decrease in postprandial TG AUC (-2.7%; p = 0.73; 95%CI = -2.0 to 1.5; ES = 0.05) and iAUC (-17.5%; p = 0.41; 95%ci = -2.5 to 1.1; ES = 0.31) from 10 to 34 hrs, respectively. Performing three consecutive days of football exercise may offer no greater protective effect for postprandial TG before a period of reduced activity, compared to a single session.

TidsskriftP L o S One
Udgave nummer7
Antal sider12
StatusUdgivet - 2019

Bibliografisk note

CURIS 2019 NEXS 226
