Preeruptive intracoronal resorption observed in 13 patients

Inger Kjær, Kirsten Steiniche, Ulla Kortegaard, Carsten Pallisgaard, Marie-Louise Bastholm Bille, Torben Seirup, Ole Skjødt, Helle Juul Larsen

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

9 Citationer (Scopus)


The literature on preeruptive intracoronal resorption is sparse, comprising mainly reports of single patients. This study includes 13 patients with preeruptive intracoronal resorption, forwarded for consultation regarding diagnostics and etiology. The purposes were to determine which teeth are affected by the condition and describe how the defect is manifested radiographically.
