Prevalence, size and distribution of microdamage in the human otic capsule

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11 Citationer (Scopus)


CONCLUSIONS: Age-dependent microdamage (MDx) accumulates excessively in human perilabyrinthine bone, where the bone turnover is almost absent. This may have pathological implications for bone-specific disorders such as otosclerosis. The role of MDx accumulation is discussed from an osteodynamic perspective.

OBJECTIVES: Bone remodelling is highly inhibited within the otic capsule compared with the rest of the skeleton. Consequently excessive accumulation of age-dependent capsular MDx is expected. This study describes the prevalence, size and topographical distribution of MDx in the human otic capsule.

METHODS: A total of 241 undecalcified human temporal bones were examined. Bulk staining and the cutting-grinding technique were used to separate in vivo MDx from microcrack artefacts induced post mortem by the milling procedure. Quantitative data were obtained by fluorescence microscopy by counting and measuring and by the use of stereology.

RESULTS: Microcracks accumulated continuously and extensively in the human otic capsule throughout life. Both the number and total length of MDx were higher close to the inner ear space as compared with the capsular periphery. The mean length of the MDx remained constant with age. There was no statistically significant sex difference.

TidsskriftActa Oto-Laryngologica
Udgave nummer8
Sider (fra-til)771-5
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - aug. 2015
