Proceedings of EIMN's 1st European Immunometabolism Conference

European Immunometabolism Network (EIMN)

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The 1st European Immunometabolism Conference was organized by the European Immunometabolism Network (EIMN) in Køge near Copenhagen, Denmark from June 26 to June 28, 2024. This conference and network aims to serve as a platform for presenting and discussing the latest and most significant advances in European immunometabolism research. Our vision includes promoting collaboration, training, networking opportunities, and diversity in science, especially for early career and upcoming scientists. Here, we summarize the immunometabolism-related work that was presented during the meeting by members of the network, selected early career researchers, session speakers, and keynote speakers. Additionally, we provide an overview of the discussion points from the round table session and conclude with future aims and planned initiatives of the EIMN.

TidsskriftImmunometabolism (United States)
Udgave nummer3
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The \u201C1st European Immunometabolism Conference: Metabolism Meets Immunology\u201D was sponsored by the Novo Nordisk Foundation (#0087181). The European Federation of Immunological Societies and the European Journal of Immunology (EFIS-EJI) sponsored 16 travel grants for junior scientists to attend the conference. Nature Metabolism and Cell Metabolism awarded free journal subscriptions to the best oral presentations. SomaLogic Operating Co., Inc. sponsored social activities during the poster sessions at the conference. We thank all EIMN members for their support during and around this meeting and for providing their critical input to this article: Rafael Jos\u00E9 Arg\u00FCello, Luciana Berod, Dirk Brenner, Mauro Corrado, Thekla Cordes, Bart Everts, David Finlay, Ping-Chih Ho, Daniel Ketelhuth, Claus Desler Madsen, Massimiliano Mazzone, Danilo Norata, Maxim Nosenko, David Sancho, Anna Schurich, Linda Sinclair, Jan Van den Bossche, Thomas Weichhart. We also acknowledge all conference attendees for the nice discussions, creating a welcoming atmosphere, and making the 1st EIMN conference a success.

Funding Information:
The \u201C1st European Immunometabolism Conference: Metabolism Meets Immunology\u201D was sponsored by the Novo Nordisk Foundation (#0087181). The European Federation of Immunological Societies and the European Journal of Immunology (EFIS-EJI) sponsored 16 travel grants for junior scientists to attend the conference. Nature Metabolism and Cell Metabolism awarded free journal subscriptions to the best oral presentations. SomaLogic Operating Co., Inc. sponsored social activities during the poster sessions at the conference.

Publisher Copyright:
Copyright © 2024 The Author(s)
