Projection of greenhouse gases 2019-2040

Ole-Kenneth Nielsen, Marlene Schmidt Plejdrup, Morten Winther, Katja Hossy Hjelgaard, Malene Nielsen, Patrik Fauser, Mette Hjorth Mikkelsen, Rikke Albrektsen, Steen Gyldenkærne, Marianne Thomsen

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The report contains a description of models, background data and projections of
CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6 for Denmark. The emissions are projected to 2040 using a ‘with measures’ scenario. Official Danish projections of activity rates are used in the models for those sectors for which projections are available, e.g. the latest official projection from the Danish Energy Agency. The emission factors refer to international guidelines and some are country-specific and refer to Danish legislation, Danish research reports or calculations based on emission data from a considerable number of industrial plants. The projection models are based on the same structure and method as the Danish emission inventories in order to ensure consistency.
ForlagAarhus University, DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy
Antal sider132
ISBN (Trykt)978-87-7156-539-3
StatusUdgivet - nov. 2020
Udgivet eksterntJa
NavnScientific Report from DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy
