Purely infinite C*-algebras arising from crossed products

Mikael Rørdam, Adam Sierakowski

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56 Citationer (Scopus)


We study conditions that will ensure that a crossed product
of a C-algebra by a discrete exact group is purely innite (simple or
non-simple). We are particularly interested in the case of a discrete nonamenable
exact group acting on a commutative C-algebra, where our
sucient conditions can be phrased in terms of paradoxicality of subsets
of the spectrum of the abelian C-algebra.
As an application of our results we show that every discrete countable
non-amenable exact group admits a free amenable minimal action on the
Cantor set such that the corresponding crossed product C-algebra is a
Kirchberg algebra in the UCT class.
TidsskriftErgodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Sider (fra-til)273-293
Antal sider21
StatusUdgivet - 2012
