Qatar Islamic Archaeology and Heritage Project: End of Season Report : Stage 2, Season 1, 2009‐2010

Tobias Richter (Redaktør), Hanne Nymann (Redaktør)

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Report on the archaeological fieldwork at Al Zubarah and environs for the Qatar Museums Authority
ForlagUniversity of Copenhagen and Qatar Museums Authority
Antal sider369
StatusUdgivet - 2011

Bibliografisk note

Project Directors: Alan Walmsley and Ingolf Thuesen
Director of Archaeology and Heritage for QMA: Sultan Muhesen

With contributions from: Thomas Collie, Anthony Grey, Michael House, Richard Humphreys, Moritz Kinzel, David Mackie, David Meier, Hanne Nyman, Gareth Rees, Tobias Richter, Paul Wordsworth, Deniz Yesin-Meier, and Lisa Yeomans


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