Quality of life after bariatric surgery evaluated by standardised questionnaires

Cecilie Fønss Bülow Carstensen, Johanne Gormsen, Frederik Helgstrand, Thue Bisgaard

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewForskningpeer review


There is an increasing focus on patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) to document bariatric surgical quality. In this review, the literature has been scrutinised, and 19 clinical studies (including 14 validated bariatric procedure/disease-specific and generic questionnaires) have been analysed. Long-term PROMs are significantly improved after bariatric surgery, and we recommend to use a combination of the disease-specific IWQOL Lite questionnaire and the generic EQ-5D-5L questionnaire for future research and for the monitoring of bariatric surgical quality.

TidsskriftUgeskrift for Laeger
Udgave nummer51
StatusUdgivet - 14 dec. 2020
