Quantum Cavity Optomechanics with Phononic Bandgap Shielded Silicon Nitride Membranes

William Hvidtfelt Padkær Nielsen

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportPh.d.-afhandlingForskning


Cavity optomechanics, a field which has matured tremendously over the last decade,has conclusively reached the quantum regime. Noteworthy experimentalachievements include cooling of the vibrational motion of macroscopic objects tothe quantum ground state, the observation of shot noise of radiation pressure, andthe achievement of strong correlations between light at mechanics, manifested asponderomotive squeezing. e next step invariably seems to be the incorporationof cavity optomechanical systems in more complex constellations, in some sensemimicking what has already been achieved with atoms.In this work, we report on the progress of bringing a cavity optomechanicalsystem “up to speed” for the later integration into a hybrid atomic-opticalmechanicalentanglement experiment. The optomechanical system in considerationconsists of a highly stressed stoichiometric silicon-nitride membrane placedbetween two highly reflective mirrors, all of which are embedded in a helium flowcryostat. In order to reach truly quantum territory, severe shielding of the membranefrom the environment is required, as well as meticulous concern for auxiliarysources of noise, both from the laser and mirrors used.The purpose of this thesis is to document the development of the experimentfrom its initial stages to its final quantum enabled incarnation, as well as to providethe necessary theoretical machinery to interpret the experimental results. A strongemphasis is placed on the unique challenges posed by our unique monolithic cavitydesign and how to understand and overcome them.The evolution of the experiment was successful, and we conclude that the quantumregime has been reached. Our main result is the observation of simultaneousponderomotive squeezing from more than 13 mechanical modes, the strongest ofwhich suppresses the light noise by - 2:4 dB, implying the hitherto strongest correlations observed between light and mechanics. A secondary result is the coolingof the mechanical motion close to the quantum ground state.
ForlagThe Niels Bohr Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
Antal sider133
StatusUdgivet - 2016
