Quinoa: Challenges for Production in the Bolivian Southern Highlands

Gabriela Renee Alandia Robles

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportPh.d.-afhandlingForskning


Until 2013, Bolivia has been the first quinoa world exporter. Quinoa for export is produced in a semi-arid region: the Bolivian southern highlands. Bolivians have now to face the challenge to keep competitive producing in a region with low levels of soil fertility and scarce water in a new scenario that includes more countries producing this crop.

The overall objective of this thesis was to analyze challenges for quinoa production in the Bolivian southern highlands. This analysis was performed from different perspectives.

A critical analysis of information presents the context of quinoa production and is followed by two experimental studies focused to approach two issues of concern. Wind erosion was assessed for the first time in Bolivia with Big Spring Number Eight (BSNE) samplers under different management practices related to quinoa production. A pot experiment under controlled conditions was carried out in Denmark to study the effects of fertilization on quinoa under drought.

To face the new changing scenario: the use of organic N might constitute a valuable alternative to obtain benefits for soil conservation and yields in quinoa produced in the analyzed semi-arid region.
