Recognition and Toleration: Conflicting approaches to diversity in education?

Sune Lægaard

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11 Citationer (Scopus)


Recognition and toleration are ways of relating to the diversity characteristic of multicultural
societies. The article concerns the possible meanings of toleration and recognition, and the
conflict that is often claimed to exist between these two approaches to diversity. Different
forms or interpretations of recognition and toleration are considered, confusing and
problematic uses of the terms are noted, and the compatibility of toleration and recognition
is discussed. The article argues that there is a range of legitimate and importantly different
conceptions of both toleration and recognition that are often not clearly distinguished, and
that compatibility varies across this range and depending on what one considers the
conceptions in relation to

TidsskriftEducational Philosophy and Theory
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)22-37
Antal sider16
StatusUdgivet - feb. 2010
