Rediscovery, redescription and reclassification of Beludzhia phylloteliptera (Diptera: Sarcophagidae, Miltogramminae)

Krzysztof Szpila, Thomas Pape

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    Abstract. The species Beludzhia phylloteliptera Rohdendorf is redescribed from adult males and females as well as all larval instars
    collected in the United Arab Emirates. The morphology of the first instar larva is strikingly similar to that of Dolichotachina margi-
    nella (Wiedemann) and Phylloteles pictipennis Loew, all of which are here documented for the first time. These three generic repre-
    sentatives share several character states, which are probably plesiomorphic relative to the condition observed in other miltogrammine
    larvae, but the uniquely shaped, slender mouthhook, a cushion- or pad-like lobe behind the maxillary palpus (cheek organ), the
    antero-ventral segmental prolegs of the first instar larva, and the integumental warts of the third instar larvae, are shared character
    states not known from any other species of Sarcophagidae. Beludzhia Rohdendorf is therefore placed with Dolichotachina Ville-
    neuve and Phylloteles Loew in the tribe Phyllotelini.
    TidsskriftEuropean Journal of Entomology
    Udgave nummer1
    Sider (fra-til)119-137
    Antal sider19
    StatusUdgivet - 2007
