title = "{\textquoteright}Religion{\textquoteright}s safe, with Priestcraft is the War{\textquoteright}: Satirical Subversion of Clerical Authority in Western Europe 1650-1850",
keywords = "Faculty of Humanities, Satire, Religionssatire, Kirkehistorie, Sekularisering, Oplysning, Immanuel Kant, Michel Foucault, Moli{\`e}re, Jonathan Swift, Modmagt, Modledelse, Satire, Antiklerikalisme, Moli{\`e}re, Swift, Kant, Autoritet, Kirkehistorie, Religionskritik, Ateisme, Deisme, Religionssatire",
author = "Brink, {Dennis Meyhoff}",
year = "2021",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-3-631-82986-8",
pages = "119--145",
editor = "Ljungberg, {Johannes } and Maurits, {Alexander } and Erik Sidenvall",
booktitle = "Cultures in Conflict. Religion, History and Gender in Northern Europe c. 1800-2000.",
publisher = "Peter Lang",