Rigidity and non-existence results for collapsed translators

Debora Impera, Niels Martin Møller, Michele Rimoldi

Publikation: Working paperPreprint

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We prove a rigidity result for mean curvature self-translating solitons, characterizing the grim reaper cylinder as the only finite entropy self-translating 2-surface in $\mathbb{R}^3$ of width $\pi$ and bounded from below. The proof makes use of parabolicity in a weighted setting applied to a suitable universally $L$-superharmonic function defined on translaters in such slabs.
UdgiverarXiv preprint
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

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  • math.DG
  • math.AP
  • 53A10, 53E10 (49Q05, 53C42)
