Scandinavian Model of Welfare: Lessons to be Learned for East Asia?

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Within the so-called welfare modeling business Scandinavia stands out as a space with a particular welfare regime. It is a peculiar combination of market, state, and civil societal interventions into people's social life, that define this welfare regime. The particular welfare mix emphasizes universal public interventions and a high degree of employment in the formal labor market for all. The thesis promoted in this paper is, that the Scandinavian welfare regime ought to be highly desirable elsewhere, but unfortunately rather difficult to replicate, because it is premised upon a set of conditions with respect to political culture and ethnic homogeneity. The East Asian welfare regime resembles that of Southern Europe, characterized as it is by a high degree of informality regarding care for children, fragile elderly and the handicapped.
Bidragets oversatte titelScandinavian Model of Welfare: Lessons to be Learned for East Asia?
TidsskriftSocial Security Studies
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)16-27
Antal sider12
StatusUdgivet - 2010
