Scenarier for byvækst i Europa: fokus på peri-urbane områder

Christian Fertner, Thomas Alexander Sick Nielsen

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    In the EU co-financed research project PLUREL (2007-2010) scenarios where used to model possible futures for urban development in Europe. The scenarios and first results were presented in the previous factsheet “Fremtidig byvækst i Europa: Scenarier og tab af naturområder”. In this factsheet modelling results related to how urban areas will grow are presented. The overall conclusion is that peri-urban areas - opposite to urban or rural areas - will experience the highest growth rates of urbanisation.
    Bidragets oversatte titelScenarios for urban growth in Europe: Peri-urban areas in focus
    TidsskriftVidenblade Planlægning og Friluftsliv
    Udgave nummer8.2-2
    Antal sider2
    StatusUdgivet - 2011


    • Byplanlægning
    • Guest researcher

      Christian Fertner (Deltager)

      17 maj 20102 jul. 2010

      Aktivitet: Andre aktivitetstyperAndet (priser, ekstern undervisning samt andet). - Gæsteophold ved andre institutioner
