SELF-MEDIA: The Self, the Face, the Media and the Selfies

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The self and identity are not only issues connected to the selfies. They are connected to the development of media since the renaissance; this is the thesis of the following key-note. The subject, the self, is most clearly exposed in the face, and face and identity becomes important in the media since the renaissance. The selfies is just the newest development is this tradition, which began with the invention of the mirror, the book (printing), and the miniature painting. They all put the subject as both maker and receiver in the center. This was the birth of the modern subject. The development continued throughout the coming centuries. The selfies is the latest invention to discover, explore, visualize and find the self of the subject. The following will therefore naturally focus on the self, the face where the self is most clearly expressed and seen, and the self-media, where the subject can face itself.

Publikationsdato20 aug. 2014
StatusUdgivet - 20 aug. 2014

Bibliografisk note

The self and identity are not only issues connected to the selfies. They are connected to the development of media since the renaissance; this is the thesis of the following key-note. The subject, the self, is most clearly exposed in the face, and face and identity becomes important in the media since the renaissance. The selfies is just the newest development is this tradition, which began with the invention of the mirror, the book (printing), and the miniature painting. They all put the subject as both maker and receiver in the center. This was the birth of the modern subject. The development continued throughout the coming centuries. The selfies is the latest invention to discover, explore, visualize and find the self of the subject. The following will therefore naturally focus on the self, the face where the self is most clearly expressed and seen, and the self-media, where the subject can face itself.


  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • self-media, subject, mirror, media development, selfie, mechanical and digital revolution, you, mirroring
