Structure-affinity and structure-residence time relationships of macrocyclic Gαq protein inhibitors

Jan H. Voss, Max Crüsemann, Christian R.O. Bartling, Stefan Kehraus, Asuka Inoue, Gabriele M. König, Kristian Strømgaard, Christa E. Müller*

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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The macrocyclic depsipeptides YM-254890 (YM) and FR900359 (FR) are potent inhibitors of Gαq/11 proteins. They are important pharmacological tools and have potential as therapeutic drugs. The hydrogenated, tritium-labeled YM and FR derivatives display largely different residence times despite similar structures. In the present study we established a competition-association binding assay to determine the dissociation kinetics of unlabeled Gq protein inhibitors. Structure-affinity and structure-residence time relationships were analyzed. Small structural modifications had a large impact on residence time. YM and FR exhibited 4- to 10-fold higher residence times than their hydrogenated derivatives. While FR showed pseudo-irreversible binding, YM displayed much faster dissociation from its target. The isopropyl anchor present in FR and some derivatives was essential for slow dissociation. These data provide a basis for future drug design toward modulating residence times of macrocyclic Gq protein inhibitors, which has been recognized as a crucial determinant for therapeutic outcome.

Udgave nummer4
Antal sider19
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This study was supported with a research grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ( FOR2372 ; MU1665/7-2 ), the Open Access Publication Fund of the University of Bonn , and the Bonn International Graduate School of Drug Sciences. A.I. was funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI grants 21H04791 , 21H05113 and JPJSBP120213501, and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) grant JPMJFR215T .

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© 2023 The Authors
