Supplement to ACUMEN deliverable 5.4a: Description and comparison of indicators in Google Scholar and Web of Science

Lorna Elizabeth Wildgaard, Birger Larsen, Jesper Schneider

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapport

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We collected publication and citation data in two databases to investigate the extent performance of author-level indicators are effected by choice of database, the stability of indicators across databases and ultimately to illustrate how differences in the computed indicators change our perception of individual researchers. In this report we begin by comparing database coverage,
coverage at seniority and gender-level and then the performance of four basic indicators computed in both databases. In the main deliverable 5.4a, we investigate in a cluster analysis the performance of our previously identified 108 indicators of author-level impact. Understanding the effect of the
database used to source the data and the demographics of the researchers in our sample, will
enable us to put the results of our cluster analysis in perspective and direct future studies
Antal sider12
Rekvirerende organisationEU 7th Framework Programme
StatusUdgivet - 24 apr. 2014

Bibliografisk note

European Commission. 7th Framework Programme. FP7 Grant Agreement 266632
ACUMEN is a European research collaboration aimed at understanding the ways in which researchers are evaluated by their peers and by institutions, and at assessing how the science system can be improved and enhanced.
