Tanzanian Food Origins and Protected Geographical lndications

Innocensia John, Henrik Egelyng, Azack Lokina

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As the world's population is constantly growing, food security will remain on the policy Agen­da, particularly in Africa. At the same time, global food systems experience a new wave fo­cusing on local foods and food sovereignty featuring high quality food produets of verifiable geographical origin. This article argues that Geographical lndications (Gl's) hold the potential to help transform the Tanzanian agriculture-dependent economy through the tapping of val­ue from unique produets, attributing taste and colour to place or regional geography. This study aims to identify the existence and characteristics of food origin produets in Tanzania that have potential for GI certification. The hypothesis was that there are origin produets in Tanza­nia whose unique characteristics are linked to the area of production. Geographical indications can be useful policy instruments contributing to food security and sovereignty and quality within an efficient marketing system with the availability of government support, hence the need to identify key candidates for GI certification. Five Tanzanian origin produets were se­lected from 14 candidate agricultural produets through a scoping study. Rice from Kyela, Aloe vera, Coffee and Sugar from Kilimanjaro and Cloves from Zanzibar are some of the produet cases investigated and provides for in-depth case study, as 'landscape' produets incorporating 'taste of place'. Interviews were conducted to collect quantitative and qualitative data. Data was collected on the production area, produet quality perceived by the consumer in terms of taste, flavour, texture, aroma, appearance (colour, size) and perceptions of links between geography related factors (soil, land weather characteristics) and produet qualities. A quali­tative case study analysis was done for each of the (live) selected Tanzanian origin produets investigated with plausible prospects for Tanzania to leapfrog into exports of Geographical lndications produets. Framework conditions for producers creating or capturing market value as stewards of cultural and landscape values, environments, and institutional requirements for such creation or capturing to happen, including presence of export opportunities, are dis­cussed. Geographical indication is believed to allow smallholders to create employment and build monetary value, while stewarding local food cultures and natural environments and re­sources, and increasing the diversity of supply of natural and unique quality produets and so contribute to enhanced food security.
TidsskriftFuture of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)6-12
StatusUdgivet - 2016
