Targeted Intra-arterial Transplantation of Stem Cells to the Injured CNS is More Effective than Intravenous Administration - Engraftment is Dependent on Cell Type and Adhesion Molecule Expression

Johan Lundberg, Erik Södersten, Erik Sundström, Katarina Le Blanc, Tommy Andersson, Ola Hermanson, Staffan Holmin

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

    44 Citationer (Scopus)


    Stem cell transplantation procedures using intraparenchymal injections cause tissue injury in addition to associated surgical risks. Intra-venous cell administration give engraftment in parenchymal lesions although the method has low efficacy and specificity. In pathological conditions with inflammation, such as traumatic brain injury, there is a transient up-regulation of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 which might provide enviromental cues for migration of stem cells from blood to parenchyma. The aim of this study was to i) analyze the effect of intra-arterial administration on cellular engraftment, ii) compare engraftment and side effects between three different stem cell systems and iii) analyze gene expression in these three systems.
    TidsskriftCell Transplantation
    StatusUdgivet - 7 jun. 2011
