The Danish EU Presidency 2012: A Midterm Report

Rebecca Adler-Nissen, Julie Hassing Nielsen, Catharina Sørensen

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Even though the Lisbon Treaty has made the rotating Council Presidencies less politically relevant, the country holding the presidency during six months still has an important role to fill. For Denmark, holding the presidency during the first half of 2012, the ongoing crisis in the Eurozone has posed particular challenges. Like Sweden, Denmark remains outside the Euro Group and has therefore been excluded from some of the most important decision-making.

In this publication, the authors examine the context of the Danish Presidency and conclude with an evaluation of what has indeed been achieved during the first months. The publication is part of the SIEPS research programme The EU Presidencies and was presented at the seminar The Danish Presidency.
ForlagSwedish Institute for European Policy Studies, SIEPS
Antal sider72
ISBN (Elektronisk)9185129860
Rekvirerende organisationSwedish Institute for European Policy Studies
StatusUdgivet - 2012
