The diagnosis of silicone breast-implant rupture: clinical findings compared with findings at magnetic resonance imaging

Lisbet Rosenkrantz Hölmich, Jon P Fryzek, Kim Kjøller, Vibeke Bro Breiting, Anna Jørgensen, Christen Krag, Joseph K McLaughlin

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

    98 Citationer (Scopus)


    The objective was to evaluate the usefulness of clinical examination in the evaluation of breast-implant integrity, using the diagnosis at magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as the "gold standard." Fifty-five women with 109 implants underwent a breast examination either just before or shortly after an MRI examination. Twenty-four of 109 implants were clinically diagnosed with possible rupture or rupture. Eighteen of the 24 implants were ruptured according to the MRI examination (75%). Eighty-five implants were clinically classified as intact, and 43 of these were actually ruptured at MRI (51%). The sensitivity of the clinical examination for diagnosing rupture was thus 30% and the specificity 88%. The positive predictive value of a clinical diagnosis of rupture was 75%, and the negative predictive value was 49%. In this study, we found that when a clinical examination is used as the sole diagnostic tool to identify implant rupture, neither the sensitivity nor the specificity is acceptable.
    TidsskriftAnnals of Plastic Surgery
    Udgave nummer6
    Sider (fra-til)583-9
    Antal sider7
    StatusUdgivet - 1 jun. 2005
