The effect of vowel height on Voice Onset Time in stop consonants in CV sequences in spontaneous Danish

Johannes Mortensen, John Tøndering

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Voice onset time has been reported to vary with the height of vowels following the stop consonant. This paper investigates the effects of vowel height on VOT in Danish CV sequences with stop consonants in Danish spontaneous speech. A significant effect of vowel height on VOT was found in the unaspirated stops [b d g], but not in the aspirated stops [p t k]. This is contrary to previous findings.
TitelProceedings of Fonetik 2013, The XXVIth Annual Phonetics Meeting 12–13 June 2013, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden : Studies in Language and Culture no. 21
RedaktørerRobert Eklund
Antal sider4
ForlagLinköping University, Department of Culture and Communication
Publikationsdatojun. 2013
ISBN (Trykt)978-91-7519-582-7
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-91-7519-579-7
StatusUdgivet - jun. 2013
NavnStudies in Language and Culture


  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet
