The five leadership Asanas: a research-based, joyful and meditative movement practice about the language of the body

Helle Winther*

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferenceabstrakt i proceedingsForskningpeer review


Here you are all invited to move together- and to experience joyful, meetings and the research based
meditative movement practice: «The Five Leadership Asanas».
Around the globe, there is growing interest in and acceptance for including arts-based learning activities in
higher education and leadership programs in order to provide experiential and aesthetic learning possibilities
(Biehl, 2017; Carlucci and Schiuma, 2018; Ladkin & Taylor, 2009). Current research streams also indicate
that leadership can be trained through dance, drama and music. This can open up for an increased awareness
of embodied communication and the aesthetic aspects of leadership (Biehl, 2017; Chemi et al., 2020;
Sutherland, 2012). In this context, the importance of the felt, sensual and emotional body has also become
increasingly more relevant in leadership research (Biehl, 2017; Biehl-Misal & Springborg, 2016; Winther &
Højlund Larsen, 2022).
This presentation builds on new results from creative research projects with leaders as coresarchers (Winther
& Højlund Larsen, 2022; 2024). The projects were carried out as practice-based research in which leaders
participated in intense training programs. Here, the focus was on how collective explorative dance practices,
leadership stories, and each participant's attention to self-contact and somatic awareness, , communication
reading and embodied leadership can open up for meaningful insight and practical wisdom (Winther &
Højlund Larsen, 2022; 2024).
The presentation starts with a brief overview of movement psychological concepts . Then the essence of
phenomenological-inspired stories about leaders in movement (van Manen, 2016) is shared. Here, themes
consist of the art of both being able to master the responsibility of inspiring leadership while being able to
rest in oneself, give energy, let go and look after oneself. Next, the participants are invited to put leadership
into movement through the joyful, meditative and ritualized movement practice: The Five Leadership
Asanas. This practice was developed together with leaders. It's inspired by holistic forms of dance, dance
movement therapy, and yoga and grounded in the projects' movement psychological and philosophical basis
(Larsen, 2013; Winther, 2014; Winther & Højlund Larsen, 2022). The Five Leadership Asanas may be used
both individually and collectively. Thus they may also serve as an inspiration for an everyday bodily and
meditative practice in the life of the individual professional.
The presentation is moreover based on many years of close-to-practice research on movement psychology,
dance and The Language of the Body in Professional Practice (Winther2014; 2018; 2020ab). Focus has been
on how movement-oriented courses of education with increased focus on dance and the language of the
body can be developmental for professional communication and leadership. This movement approach to the
development of professionality and leadership has been implemented in higher education in Denmark
(Winther, 2018; 2020ab; Winther & Højlund Larsen, 2022;). The pedagogy is inspired by Biesta’s writing.
As educators, we must have the courage to embrace the “beautiful risk” of education, involving also the
subject-ness and emotional life of those we educate.
TitelAoMO 2024 Book of Abstracts
RedaktørerJenna Ward
UdgivelsesstedNancy, France
StatusUdgivet - 2024
Begivenhed11th Art of Management & Organization Conference - ICN Business School - Campus Artem, Nancy, Frankrig
Varighed: 21 aug. 202424 aug. 2024
Konferencens nummer: 11


Konference11th Art of Management & Organization Conference
LokationICN Business School - Campus Artem
