The formation of parliamentarism in the Nordic countries from the Napoleonic Wars to the First World War

Uffe Jakobsen, Jussi Kurunmäki

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review

2 Citationer (Scopus)


This chapter analyses the conceptual clusters that have been formed in the debates over parliamentary government in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. The aim is to bring forth a transnational view by paying attention to the ways in which the parliamentary life of other countries was referred to and commented on in the examined countries. Our discussion extends from the age of post-revolutionary constitution making in the early nineteenth century through the debates over the introduction of the principle of parliamentarism to the breakthrough of parliamentary democracy in the early twentieth century.
TitelParliament and Parliamentarism : A Comparative History of a European Concept
RedaktørerPasi Ihalainen, Cornelia Ilie, Kari Palonen
UdgivelsesstedOxford; N.Y.
ForlagBerghahn Books
ISBN (Trykt)9781782389545, 9781785337567
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781782389552
StatusUdgivet - 2016
NavnEuropean Conceptual History

Bibliografisk note

First paperback edition published in 2018
