The genomic natural history of the aurochs

Conor Rossi, Mikkel Holger S. Sinding, Victoria E. Mullin, Amelie Scheu, Jolijn A.M. Erven, Marta Pereira Verdugo, Kevin G. Daly, Marta Maria Ciucani, Valeria Mattiangeli, Matthew D. Teasdale, Deborah Diquelou, Aurélie Manin, Pernille Bangsgaard, Matthew Collins, Tom C. Lord, Viktor Zeibert, Roberto Zorzin, Michael Vinter, Zena Timmons, Andrew C. KitchenerMartin Street, Ashleigh F. Haruda, Kristina Tabbada, Greger Larson, Laurent A.F. Frantz, Birgit Gehlen, Francesca Alhaique, Antonio Tagliacozzo, Mariagabriella Fornasiero, Luca Pandolfi, Nadezhda Karastoyanova, Lasse Sørensen, Kirill Kiryushin, Jonas Ekström, Maria Mostadius, Aurora Grandal-d’Anglade, Amalia Vidal-Gorosquieta, Norbert Benecke, Claus Kropp, Sergei P. Grushin, M. Thomas P. Gilbert, Ilja Merts, Viktor Merts, Alan K. Outram, Erika Rosengren, Pavel Kosintsev, Mikhail Sablin, Alexey A. Tishkin, Cheryl A. Makarewicz, Joachim Burger, Daniel G. Bradley*

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

1 Citationer (Scopus)


Now extinct, the aurochs (Bos primigenius) was a keystone species in prehistoric Eurasian and North African ecosystems, and the progenitor of cattle (Bos taurus), domesticates that have provided people with food and labour for millennia1. Here we analysed 38 ancient genomes and found 4 distinct population ancestries in the aurochs—European, Southwest Asian, North Asian and South Asian—each of which has dynamic trajectories that have responded to changes in climate and human influence. Similarly to Homo heidelbergensis, aurochsen first entered Europe around 650 thousand years ago2, but early populations left only trace ancestry, with both North Asian and European B. primigenius genomes coalescing during the most recent glaciation. North Asian and European populations then appear separated until mixing after the climate amelioration of the early Holocene. European aurochsen endured the more severe bottleneck during the Last Glacial Maximum, retreating to southern refugia before recolonizing from Iberia. Domestication involved the capture of a small number of individuals from the Southwest Asian aurochs population, followed by early and pervasive male-mediated admixture involving each ancestral strain of aurochs after domestic stocks dispersed beyond their cradle of origin.
Udgave nummer8037
Sider (fra-til)136-141
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This work is funded by the European Research Council under the European Union\u2019s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, grant agreements 885729-AncestralWeave and 295729-CodeX. M.-H.S.S. is supported by the Carlsberg Foundation (Reintegration Fellowship, CF20-0355) and the Independent Research Fund Denmark (International Postdoc, 8020-00005B),\u00A0which also\u00A0contributed to the sequencing costs and carbon dating costs of this project; E.R. is supported by the Jan L\u00F6fqvist Endowment and Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation for Public Benefit and contributed to the sequencing and carbon dating costs of this project; K.G.D. is supported by Science Foundation Ireland (grant number 21/PATH-S/9515/); V.E.M. is supported by a Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship (GOIPD/2020/605); A.G.-d. and A.V.-G. are supported by Xunta de Galicia (CN 2021/17); M. Sablin is supported by state assignment no. 122031100282-2; A.A.T. is supported by the Russian Science Foundation (\u2018The World of Ancient Nomads of Inner Asia: Interdisciplinary Studies of Material Culture, Sculptures and Economy\u2019, project no. 22-18-00470); and C.A.M. is supported by the European Council for Research for a Horizon 2020 grant (ASIAPAST, action no. 772957). We thank TrinSeq for sequencing support; L. Cassidy and L. Wright for discussions; R. Verdugo for contributions to figure design; the Margulan Institute of Archaeology Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for storing, archiving and providing the material from the Roschinskoe site; the Museum of the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology (Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg) for providing specimens for sampling; A. Zeeb-Lanz and R. Arbogast for permitting the sampling of bones from Herxheim; R. W. Schmitz for permitting the sampling of bones from Bedburg-K\u00F6nigshoven; and H. Hartnagel for assistance in sampling the Rhine specimens.

Funding Information:
This work is funded by the European Research Council under the European Union\u2019s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, grant agreements 885729-AncestralWeave and 295729-CodeX. M.-H.S.S. is supported by the Carlsberg Foundation (Reintegration Fellowship, CF20-0355) and the Independent Research Fund Denmark (International Postdoc, 8020-00005B), which also contributed to the sequencing costs and carbon dating costs of this project; E.R. is supported by the Jan L\u00F6fqvist Endowment and Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation for Public Benefit and contributed to the sequencing and carbon dating costs of this project; K.G.D. is supported by Science Foundation Ireland (grant number 21/PATH-S/9515/); V.E.M. is supported by a Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship (GOIPD/2020/605); A.G.-d. and A.V.-G. are supported by Xunta de Galicia (CN 2021/17); M. Sablin is supported by state assignment no. 122031100282-2; A.A.T. is supported by the Russian Science Foundation (\u2018The World of Ancient Nomads of Inner Asia: Interdisciplinary Studies of Material Culture, Sculptures and Economy\u2019, project no. 22-18-00470); and C.A.M. is supported by the European Council for Research for a Horizon 2020 grant (ASIAPAST, action no. 772957). We thank TrinSeq for sequencing support; L. Cassidy and L. Wright for discussions; R. Verdugo for contributions to figure design; the Margulan Institute of Archaeology Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for storing, archiving and providing the material from the Roschinskoe site; the Museum of the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology (Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg) for providing specimens for sampling; A. Zeeb-Lanz and R. Arbogast for permitting the sampling of bones from Herxheim; R. W. Schmitz for permitting the sampling of bones from Bedburg-K\u00F6nigshoven; and H. Hartnagel for assistance in sampling the Rhine specimens.

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© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited 2024.
