The level of claudin-7 is reduced as an early event in colorectal carcinogenesis

Jette Bornholdt Lange, Stine Friis, Sine Godiksen, Steen S Poulsen, Eric Santoni-Rugiu, Hanne C Bisgaard, Inger M B Lothe, Tone Ikdahl, Kjell M Tveit, Egil Johnson, Elin H Kure, Lotte K Vogel

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44 Citationer (Scopus)


Compromised epithelial barriers are found in dysplastic tissue of the gastrointestinal tract. Claudins are transmembrane proteins important for tight junctions. Claudins regulate the paracellular transport and are crucial for maintaining a functional epithelial barrier. Down-regulation of the oncogenic serine protease, matriptase, induces leakiness in epithelial barriers both in vivo and in vitro. We found in an in-silico search tight co-regulation between matriptase and claudin-7 expression. We have previously shown that the matriptase expression level decreases during colorectal carcinogenesis. In the present study we investigated whether claudin-7 expression is likewise decreased during colorectal carcinogenesis, thereby causing or contributing to the compromised epithelial leakiness of dysplastic tissue.
TidsskriftB M C Cancer
Sider (fra-til)65
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 2011
