The 'relics of Joan of Arc': a forensic multidisciplinary analysis

P. Charlier, J. Poupon, A. Eb, P. De Mazancourt, M. Thomas P. Gilbert, I. Huynh-Charlier, Y. Loublier, A. M. Verhille, C. Moulheirat, M. Patou-Mathis, L. Robbiola, R. Montagut, F. Masson, A. Etcheberry, L. Brun, Eske Willerslev, G. Lorin de la Grandmaison, M. Durigon

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19 Citationer (Scopus)


Archaeological remains can provide concrete cases, making it possible to develop, refine or validate medico-legal techniques. In the case of the so-called 'Joan of Arc's relics' (a group of bone and archaeological remains known as the 'Bottle of Chinon'), 14 specialists analysed the samples such as a cadaver X of carbonised aspect: forensic anthropologist, medical examiners, pathologists, geneticists, radiologist, biochemists, palynologists, zoologist and archaeologist. Materials, methods and results of this study are presented here. This study aims to offer an exploitable methodology for the modern medico-legal cases of small quantities of human bones of carbonised aspect.
TidsskriftForensic Science International
Udgave nummer1-3
Sider (fra-til)e9-15
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - 2010
