Towards understanding household-level forest reliance in Cambodia - study sites, methods, and preliminary findings

Koy Ra, Lonn Pichdara, Yem Dararath, Xi Jiao, Carsten Smith-Hall

    Publikation: Working paperForskning

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    There is growing international interest in the role of forests in poverty prevention and reduction. In consequence, this broad area of investigation has been subject to increased research; one major international research project is that facilitated by the Poverty Environment Network (PEN). This project covers a large number of sites in 26 countries throughout the tropics. The present report contains contextual details, methodological information and preliminary findings for the PEN sites in Cambodia.
    UdgiverForest & Landscape, University of Copenhagen
    Antal sider124
    ISBN (Elektronisk)978-87-7903-544-7
    StatusUdgivet - aug. 2011
