Unpacking Plastic Credits: Challenges to Effective and Just Global Plastics Governance

SangCheol Moon, Neil Tangri, Andrea Bonisoli Alquati, Rob Ralston, Melanie Bergmann, Kristian Syberg, Tara Olsen, Mengijao Wang, Arturo C. Castillo, Gabin Colombini, Joseph Edward B. Alegado

Publikation: Working paperPreprint


Amid growing concerns over plastic pollution and ongoing efforts to develop a global plastics treaty, this paper critically examines plastic credits as a compensatory measure for addressing plastic pollution. Despite claims of being a novel financing and control measure, plastic credits mirror the shortcomings of carbon credits and fail to account for the material complexities and varied impacts of different types of plastics. If linked to public policy, plastic credits risk creating regulatory loopholes and delaying more effective measures like sector-specific plastic reduction. We argue that plastic credits do not represent an innovative approach to genuine plastic pollution reduction or its financing; instead, they could exacerbate fragmented plastics governance and reinforce legitimation of waste colonialism.
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 12 nov. 2024


  • additionality
  • EPR
  • global plastics treaty
  • plastic credits
  • plastic waste
  • waste colonialism
