Virtual reality interventions to reduce psychological distress during colonoscopy: a rapid review

Mahdi Shamali, Peter Vilmann, Niels René Johansen, Hanne Konradsen

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewForskningpeer review

3 Citationer (Scopus)


Colonoscopy can cause psychological distress in patients, consequently discouraging patients from undergoing an unpleasant procedure or reducing compliance with follow-up examinations. This rapid review aimed to assess the feasibility and efficacy of Virtual Reality (VR) interventions during colonoscopy on patients’ perceived psychological distress and procedure satisfaction.

Areas covered
We searched PubMed, CINAHL, ProQuest/All Databases, and Cochrane Library databases on 1 December 2022, with a date limiter of 2002–2022 for articles that investigated the effect and feasibility of any type of immersive VR-based intervention on patients’ pain, anxiety, discomfort, and procedure satisfaction immediately before, during, and/or post-procedure of colonoscopy.

Expert opinion
Initially, 118 articles were identified, of which seven were eligible and included in this rapid review. Our findings demonstrate that VR interventions during colonoscopy were feasible, significantly reduced participant pain and anxiety, and significantly increased participant satisfaction with the procedure. VR interventions appear to be an effective alternative for patients who prefer to avoid analgetic medications or as an adjunct to routine sedation during colonoscopy. Directions of research design should focus on an optimized blinding process, using the high-end technology of 3-dimensional devices, considering an audiovisual distracting intervention, and designing multicenter and high-quality Randomized Controlled Trials.

KEYWORDS: Colonoscopyvirtual realitypsychological distresspainanxiety and discomfort
TidsskriftExpert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Udgave nummer11
Sider (fra-til)1149-1157
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2023
