Wild ideas in food

Christopher Münke, Afton Marina Szasz Halloran, Paul Vantomme, Joshua David Evans, Benedict Reade, Roberto Flore, Roland Rittman, Anders Lindén, Pavlos Georgiadis, Miles Irving

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review

3 Citationer (Scopus)


Foraging for all manner of wild plants, animals and fungi and their products makes up part of the traditional diets of approximately 300 million worldwide (Bharucha and Pretty, 2010). Furthermore, their relevance in the global food supply is often underestimated, as policies and statistics at national and regional levels tend to neglect their importance for food sovereignty and food culture (Bharucha and Pretty, 2010). Foraged plants often grow spontaneously and many exist independent of human interaction (Heywood, 1999)
TitelThe Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Food and Gastronomy
RedaktørerPhilip Sloan, Willy Legrand, Clare Hindley
Antal sider8
UdgivelsesstedNew York
ISBN (Trykt)978-0-415-70255-3
ISBN (Elektronisk) 978-0-203-79569-9
StatusUdgivet - 2015

Bibliografisk note

CURIS 2015 NEXS 444
