Activity: Peer-review and editorial work types › Editor of Research journal › Research
Acta Archaeologica, founded in 1930, is the leading scientific international archaeological periodical in Scandinavia. Acta Archaeologica publishes full presentations of important new discoveries, archaeological analyses, and general and interdisciplinary studies with an archaeological basis. Its primary focus is on Northern European archaeology (including Baltic countries), and on European and World themes of particular interest to the archaeology of Northern Europe. The emphasis throughout is on quality, originality of data and well–documented and illustrated studies, as well as on methodological issues. Contributions by young scholars are especially welcomed. Acta Archaeologica accepts papers in English, German, and French. All contributions are peer-reviewed by specialists, and their names are available to authors upon request. Contributors should produce separate electronic files for the text and each single illustration, see Author Guidelines. Acta Archaeologica is published annually as a one or two–part volume both electronically and in print. Method of peer review: single-blind, undertaken by external specialists.