Activity: Participating in an event - types › Organisation of and participation in conference
This conference will focus on ‘transparency in drug regulatory decision making’. As a part of the increasing focus on promoting regulatory transparency, several initiatives have centred on utilizing structured approaches to support regulatory decision-making processes and the communication of the outcomes of those assessments. Invited speakers will represent the relevant stakeholders such as regulators, industry, academia and patients. The representatives will present their views on the efforts to improve transparency in regulatory decision-making and future needs to accommodate transparency in regulatory decision-making balancing the Protection of Personal Data (PPD) as well as Commercial Confidential Information (CCI).
Conference organizing committee: Professor Timo Minssen Centre for Information and Innovation Law, Merete Schmiegelow Novo Nordisk, Birthe Holm Rare Diseases Denmark , Mathias Møllebæk Copenhagen Center for Regulatory Science, and Christine Hallgreen Copenhagen Center for Regulatory Science