How to draft a data management plan in Horizon Europe - A presentation of the Horizon requirements, explanation of the questions in the DMP and example answers

Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution


A webinar was hosted by the Danish eInfrastructure Consortium (DeiC) on 14 June 2023 and presented by Susanne den Boer, research data management adviser at the University of Copenhagen.

In the webinar, the requirements for research data management in Horizon Europeare explained, focusing in particular on the data management plans. Specific tips on what to think about when drafting DMPs are provided, together with a short introduction to key concepts in research data management, such as the FAIR principles and information security. The webinar addresses some of the specific questions in Horizon Europe's DMP template and also provides some example answers.

Please cite as: Susanne den Boer. (2023, September 21). How to draft a data management plan in Horizon Europe - A presentation of the Horizon requirements, explanation of the questions in the DMP and example answers. Zenodo.
Period14 Jun 2023
Event titleWebinar: Preparing your Horizon Europe Data Management Plan
Event typeSeminar


  • DMP
  • Data Management Plan
  • Horizon Europe
  • FAIR principles
  • Webinar
  • Tutorial
  • European Commision
  • Research Data Management