Images in Time

Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference


The IMAGES IN TIME conference was organized by Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir (D.E.A. Assistant Professort, Department of Art History, University of Iceland, Dr. Kistján Eldjárn (Research Fellow, National Museum of Iceland) and MIchael A. Langkjær, PhD, (Assistent Professor, Saxo Institute, Department of History, University of Copenhagen) in collaboration with Lise Skov, PhD (Associate Professor, Department of Intercultural Communication and Management, Copenhagen Business School). IMAGES IN TIME is part of the WARDROBE PROJECT funded by the Nordic Council of MInisters, NORDFORSK. Participants: DK (8), Norway (3), Sweden (1), Iceland 1), Finland (2), UK (3), USA (1) About 30 Icelandic museum professionals, academics, fashion students and photographers attended the conference as audeince The conference papers are published in collaboration with Bath University Press in the volume "Images in Time" (2011).
PeriodApr 2009Nov 2009
Event typeConference
LocationReykjavik, Iceland