Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
A lecture in English. The question of ethnic and national identity constitutes a highly complex and controversial topic in Iran, and only recently have scholars questioned Persian-centrist, majoritarian or nationalist bias in Iranian historiography and research. One example of this critique is in Rasmus Christian Elling's recent book "Minorities in Iran: Nationalism and Ethnicity after Khomeini" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). A key finding from this book is that while it can be more or less easy to identify particular ethnic or religious minorities, it is not altogether easy to identify a particular majority in Iran: indeed, who are the Persians? How do Iranian scholars challenge Western frameworks for studying ethnicity? And why are many Iranians opposed to the use of certain terminology such as "minority"? In this talk, Elling will discuss theoretical and practical aspects of studying ethnicity in Iran today and in history.