Trade Secrets and Innovation - New Paradigms/New Challenges

Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference


The protection of trade secrets is becoming ever more important. With the EU-Directive a common European legal framework has been established. This seminar uses the Directive as a prism for looking into international practices (Japan), national implementation (Denmark) and specific issues and technologies (public private partnerships and medical diagnosis).

Programme and presentations

15.00 - 15.10 Welcome by Jens Schovsbo, CIIR

15.10 - 15.40Professor Christoph Rademarcher, WASEDA, Tokyo: “Harmonization of ‘reasonable efforts’: Trade secret reform in Japan and the EU”

15.40 - 16.10Professor Jens Schovsbo: “The new Danish Act on Trade Secrets”

16.10 - 16.30Break

16.30 - 17.00Dr. Neethu Rajam: “Trade secrets and public private partnerships”

17.00 - 17.30Associate Professor Sven Bostyn, CeBIL: “The growing use of trade secrets in medical diagnosis: a desirable development for society?”

17.30 - 18.00 Discussion by Timo Minssen, CeBIL

18.00 -Closing and drinks
Period4 Sep 2018
Event typeSeminar
LocationCopenhagen, Denmark