Distinct human mutations can alter the effect of medicine



 About one third of all medicine binds to the same type of receptor in the human body. An estimated 3 percent of the population have receptors of this type that are so genetically different that they are predisposed to altered, ineffective or adverse responses to medicine, a new study from the University of Copenhagen and the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge shows.

Press release: Distinct human mutations can alter the effect of medicine

Know your mutations

Period15 Dec 2017

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleDistinct human mutations can alter the effect of medicine
    Degree of recognitionRegional
    Media typeWeb
    DescriptionPERSONALISED MEDICINE About one third of all medicine binds to the same type of receptor in the human body. An estimated 3 percent of the population have receptors of this type that are so genetically different that they are predisposed to altered, ineffective or adverse responses to medicine, a new study from the University of Copenhagen and the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge shows.
    Producer/AuthorMathias Traczyk
    PersonsAlexander Sebastian Hauser


  • GPCR
  • Big Data
  • Personalised medicine