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Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research
Organisational unit: Department/section
Administration and Operations
Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology
Organisational unit: Department/section
Administration Group
Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research
Organisational unit: Institution
Administrative support
Department of Food and Resource Economics
Organisational unit: Department/section
Algorithms and Programming Languages (APL)
Department of Computer Science
Organisational unit: Department/section
Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics and Breeding
Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Organisational unit: Department/section
Animal Welfare and Disease Control
Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Organisational unit: Department/section
Campusdirektør Frederiksberg/City
Organisational unit: Institution
Campusdirektør Søndre
Organisational unit: Institution
Bäckhed Group
Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research
Organisational unit: Department/section
Center for Holdspil og Sundhed
Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports
Organisational unit: Centre
Centre for Culture and the Mind
Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies
Organisational unit: Research field group
JUR- CEPRI - Centre for Private Governance
Faculty of Law Research Centres
Organisational unit: Institution
Big Data Management Platform
Organisational unit: Institution
BioHistory Group
SAXO-Institute - Archaeology, Ethnology, Greek & Latin, History
Organisational unit: Research field group