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  • Source: Scopus

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My research focus is to understand adaptation potential in woody species against climate change. Specifically my focus is;

Genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity in adaptive traits of tree species

Epigenetic response in trees to environmental stress

To combine forest genetic studies with dendrochronology and tree eco-physiology

Fields of interest

Climate change, Adaptation, Forest genetics, Epigenetics, Phenotypic plasticity, Ecophysiology




PhD, Forest and Landscape Genetics, University of Copenhagen

Thesis: Trees for future forests – genetic and plastic responses in woody species to abiotic factors of climate change


Master of Science, Forest and Nature Management, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science

Thesis:  Variation in Genetic Resistance to Chalara fraxinea in Fraxinus excelsior:Quantitative genetic studies on the progenies of native Danish ash populations

 WORK EXPERIENCE                                               

 2018  to present          

Postdoc, University of Copenhagen, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (IGN)

Education/Academic qualification

Forest and Landscape Genetics, PhD

Award Date: 14 Dec 2017

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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