Alexander Sebastian Hauser

Alexander Sebastian Hauser

Associate Professor

  • Universitetsparken 2

    2100 København Ø

Personal profile

Short presentation

The explosion of biomedical data in genomics, structural biology, pharmacology, and related fields provide new opportunities to deepen our understanding of human physiology and disease. We integrate these data with innovative computational tools to gain novel insights into protein biology.

Our strength is the combined expertise in selected biological systems with the integration of diverse often unique datasets and hypotheses.


Research direction
We integrate large biomedical data in genomics, structural biology, pharmacology, and health care combining innovative computational methods to gain insights into novel drug targets and to reveal fundamental principles in biological systems.

Pharmacogenomics & Personalised Medicine Mechanisms. Key to realising the potential of personalised medicine is integrating systems biology, statistics, and bioinformatics to associate genotypes to phenotypes. Our work bridges the fields of genetics and genomics, structural biology, pharmacology, drug development and medicine, as a case study for GPCRs.

Protein-protein interactions across evolutionary domains: We are developing ML-based analytical frameworks to identify bioactive peptides across domains of life to discover and dissect novel molecular interconnections between species retelling evolutionary processes.

Molecular pharmacology of G protein-coupled receptors: We employ in vitro pharmacological tools to understand ligand-receptor interactions, receptor subtype selectivity, activation mechanisms, and signaling pathways at the molecular/mechanistic level.

Data science approaches to uncover genotype to phenotype relationships: We are working on translational approaches to link cellular signalling complexity by genetic variability and other regulatory mechanisms to clinical outcomes from large biobank cohorts providing a more rational target selection for drug discovery.

I am always interested in hearing from highly motivated candidates in both computational biology and/or experimental biology. Please send a letter of intent outlining your motivation to join, as well as your publication list and CV.

Read more at the websites of the Hauser group and the Pharmaceutical Informatics Section.

See Google scholar.

Twitter: @alexshauser





2019: PhD in "Computational receptor biology - Data science approaches to physiological ligand discovery, G protein selectivity and pharmacogenomics”, University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Suppervisor: Professor David Gloriam (5 mo. parental leave).

2015: MSc in Molecular Medicine (comp. profile), University of Münster, Germany
2013: BSc in Biosciences, University of Münster, Germany

Paternity leaves for 3 children totaling 17 months


2022-: Associate Professor in Drug-related Data Science

2021-2022:Assistant Professor Pharmacogenomics

2019-2021: Postdoc at the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology in collaboration with iPSYCH with the project “Advancing personalised medicine for psychiatric diseases through integrative GPCR pharmacogenomics"

2019-2020: Postdoc part-time employment at the Institute of Biological Psychiatry (Roskilde)/ iPSYCH

2022-: Lundbeck Foundation Investigator Network (LFIN)

2019-: Core member and communication officer of the Personalised Medicine cluster

Positions of trust

2022– Lundbeck Foundation Investigator Network (LFIN)

2021– EU-cost action Work Group Leader for “Macromolecular interactions in signaling pathways”

2021– Member of the Dansk selskab for Personlig Medicin

2020 Member of the PharmaDataScience team

2019– Core member in Personalised Medicine Cluster (ILF, UCPH) Communication Officer

2015 2019 President and board member, CBioVikings – International Society for Computational Biology; networking platform and learning opportunity for bioinformaticians and computational biologists in the Copenhagen area.

201920 ERNEST EU-cost action early career-scientist committee member

2017–18 GLISTEN EU-cost action early career-scientist committee member

2018– Peer reviewer for >10 scientific journals


2017: Sabbatical 5-month research visit at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB), Cambridge, UK in the group of Madan Babu working on natural variation data form 60,000 individuals

2016-17: President of CBioVikings, RSG ISCB

2015: Research Assistant with Prof. David Gloriam, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2014: Masters's thesis “Determination of orphan receptor physiological peptide agonists by a novel evolutionary fingerprint method” (David Gloriam), University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2014: Internship “virtual screening, molecular modeling and peptide docking” (Dr. Björn Windshügel), European Screening Port GmbH (Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology, IME), Hamburg, Germany

2012: Research exchange “Investigation and design of methionine aminopeptidase inhibitors using 3D-QSAR and molecular docking“, University of Hyderabad, India 

2011: Research exchange in Helsinki, Finland

Awards & Honors

2023 Independent Research Fund Denmark: Sapere Aude Research Leader (6.8M DKK)

2023 LFIN Seed Grant (150,000 DKK)

2022 Carlsberg Semper Ardens: Accelerate (4.8 million DKK)

2021: Bachem AtPS runner-up award for peptide science

2020: Bayer Pharmaceuticals Promotionspreis

2018: Faculty nomination for Lundbeck’s Young Talent Prize

2016: 1st prize ISCB Wikipedia Computational Biology competition - including invitation to the international ISCB conference in Florida, USA

2016: 2nd prize ISCB WikiData competition

2015: Dedicated 4-month scholarship for master’s project extension

2015: ERASMUS+-Traineeship

2013-15: scholarship award student in the German ”National Scholarship Programme” (top 2% only)

2014: PROMOS scholarship for studying in Denmark

2012: Research scholarship ‘A new passage to India’ by DAAD

2011: ERASMUS scholarship for research semester in Helsinki, Finland



  • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
  • GPCR
  • Computational biology
  • Bioinformatics
  • SNP
  • Chemoinformatics
  • Structural Biology
  • Computational Modeling
  • G protein
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Neuropeptides
  • CBioVikings
  • polymorphism
  • Natural variation
  • Machine Learning
  • data integration
  • python
  • database developer
  • Data analysis
  • iPSYCH
  • Mental disorders
  • Pharmacogenomics
  • UK Biobank
  • Deep Learning
  • AlphaFold
  • Data science

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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