Personal profile

Short presentation

Stella is a PhD candidate at the Centre for International Law and Governance (CILG) at the University of Copenhagen. She is interested in climate change and environmental law and currently focuses her research on the regulation of Arctic shipping in a climate change context. Stella holds an LL.B. in International and European Law (Honour's) from the University of Groningen and an LL.M. from the University of Copenhagen.

Current research

The regulation of shipping induced climate change in the Arctic: the role of actors (preliminary PhD title)

Stella’s PhD project forms part of the research project 'International Law-Making: Actors in Shipping and Climate Change (InterAct)', which is carried out and supervised by Associate Professor Beatriz Martinez Romera and financed by the Carlsberg Foundation. The project’s main research objective is to understand the role of the different international actors involved in the regulation of shipping induced climate change in the Arctic. The intended research outcome of the project is to contribute to the theory of actors involved in international law-making and elucidate on the barriers and opportunities to advance regulation addressing climate change in the Arctic.

Stella is actively participating in CILG’s recurring research events, such as the Climate Breakfast Seminar Series and the Interdisciplinary Seminar Series on Climate, Energy and Sustainability.

Additionally, Stella is part of several international research networks, such as TRAMEREN (Transatlantic Maritime Emissions Research Network), CArGo (Climate Arctic Governance), NeOGov (Nordic Reaserch Network on Climate Change and Ocean Governance) and the Copenhagen Ocean Hub.


Stella is teaching in courses related to her area of expertise, such as ‘Climate Change and the Law’ and keen to teach in other courses, such as ‘Public International Law’ and ‘EU law’.  She welcomes bachelor and master theses on the topics of climate and environmental law and public international and EU law in general.

Research interests

  • International environmental and climate change law
  • Arctic and ocean governance
  • Maritime transport
  • Law-making processes on the international and EU level
  • Empirical legal research