Anna Cornelia Ploug
  • Emil Holms Kanal 2

    2300 København S

Personal profile

Short presentation

Postdoc in Philosophy of the humanities at the Nordic Humanities Center, which you may follow here. Current research project: Challenging Times. Problems, Critique and “Challenge-based Inquiry” in the Humanities.

Member of the international research network Histories and Futures of French Travelling Concepts (Independent Research Fund Denmark, 2025-2028). Find more information on the network here.


Primary fields of research

  • Modern European philosophy, especially Hegel, Beauvoir, French Hegelianism and the "turn to the concrete" in 20th century and contemporary French philosophies
  • Challenge-based inquiry and problem-oriented research methods; "Philosophy of theory" and of the humanities, critical methodologies, transdisciplinarity
  • Feminist philosophy, canon critique and critical theories more broadly



PhD in Philosophy (Roskilde University), MPhilStud in Modern European Philosophy (Kingston University), Bachelor in Philosophy with language component in Greek and Latin (University of Copenhagen and Sorbonne Paris-IV)
2022 → 2026 Appointed as external examiner in Philosophy at Danish universites (Censorkorpset)
20232024 External lecturer, Philosophy and Theory of Science, Roskilde University
2020 → 2025 Member of The Danish Society for Philosophy

Education/Academic qualification

Modern European Philosophy

External positions

censor, Censorkorpset for filosofi

1 Apr 202231 Mar 2026

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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